
Configuration of your entities for GraphQL is done with PHP 8.0 attributes. There are three attributes and all options for each will be covered in this document.

The namespace for attributes is ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Attribute. It is recommended you alias this namespace in your entities as GraphQL.

A slightly complicated example:

 3use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Attribute as GraphQL
 5#[GraphQL\Entity(description: 'Artist data', typeName: 'Artist')]
 6#[GraphQL\Entity(group: 'admin', description: 'Artist data for admins')]
 7class Artist
 9    #[GraphQL\Field]
10    #[GraphQL\Field(group: 'admin')]
11    public $id;
13    #[GraphQL\Field(description: 'Artist name', excludeCriteria: ['startswith'])]
14    #[GraphQL\Field(group: 'admin')]
15    public $name;
17    #[GraphQL\Association(excludeCriteria: ['contains', 'neq'])]
18    #[GraphQL\Association(group: 'admin')]
19    public $performances;


Use this attribute on entities you want included in your graph. Optional parameters are:

  • group - You can have multiple GraphQL configurations organzied by group. Only one Entity attribute per group is allowed.

  • description - A description of the Entity.

  • typeName - A name to reference the type internal to GraphQL.

  • limit - A hard limit for all queries on this entity. Use this to prevent abuse of GraphQL. Defaults to global config limit.

  • excludeCriteria - An array of filters to exclude from available filters for all fields and associations in the entity. For instance, to exclude filters that use a like database query, set the following:

    #[GraphQL\Entity(excludeCriteria: ['contains', 'startswith', 'endswith'])]
  • includeCriteria - An array of filters to include from available filters for all fields and associations in the entity. includeCriteria and excludeCriteria are mutually exclusive within one attribute.

The following parameters are specific to the interal hydrator used to extract data from Doctrine entities. The hydrator library is doctrine-laminas-hydrator

  • byValue - Default is true. When set to false the hydrator will extract values by reference. If you have getters and setters for all your fields then extracting by value will use those. Extracting by reference will reflect the entities and extract the values from the properties. More information here: By Value and By Reference

  • namingStrategy - Default is null. You may set a naming strategy class. Class must exist in the HydratorFactory container. See containers

  • filters - Default is null. An array of filters to apply to the hydrator. In practice these should not be necessary because if you want to filter fields just don’t include them in the attribute group. Filter classes must exist in the HydratorFactory container. See containers


Use this attribute on fields (not associations) you want included in your graph. Optional parameters are:

  • group - You can have multiple GraphQL configurations organzied by group. Only one Field attribute per group is allowed.

  • description - A description of the Field.

  • type - Used for overriding the GraphQL type used for the field. The custom type must be injected into the TypeManager container. See containers

  • excludeCriteria - An array of filters to exclude from available filters for this field. Combined with excludeCriteria for the entity.

  • includeCriteria - An array of filters to include from available filters for the field. includeCriteria and excludeCriteria are mutually exclusive within one attribute.

 3// Handle a number field as a string
 6class Artist
 8    #[GraphQL\Field(type: 'customtype')]
 9    private int $number;
12$driver = new Driver($this->getEntityManager());
13$driver->get(TypeManager::class)->set('customtype', fn() => Type::string());
  • strategy - A custom hydrator strategy class. Class must be injected into the HydratorFactory container. See strategies and containers


Used on any type of association including one to one, one to many, many to one, etc. Associations which are to one types will just include the entity they are associated with. Associations of the to many variety will be filterable.

  • group - You can have multiple GraphQL configurations organzied by group. Only one Association attribute per group is allowed.

  • description - A description of the Association.

  • limit - A limit for subqueries. This value overrides the Entity configured limit.

  • filterCriteriaEventName - An event to fire when resolving this collection. Additional filters can be added to the criteria. An example of this use is for associations with soft deletes.

  • excludeCriteria - An array of criteria to exclude from available filters for the association. Entity level excludeCriteria are applied to associations. For instance, to exclude filters that use a like database query, set the following:

    #[GraphQL\Association(excludeCriteria: ['contains', 'startswith', 'endswith'])]
  • includeCriteria - An array of filters to include from available filters for all fields in the association. includeCriteria and excludeCriteria are mutually exclusive within one attribute.

  • strategy - A custom hydrator strategy class. Class must be injected into the HydratorFactory container. See containers

This is documentation for API-Skeletons/doctrine-graphql. Please add your ★ star to the project.

Authored by API Skeletons.