Tips and Tricks

Here are tips for using this library in more edge-case ways.

Shared Type Manager

If you have more than one driver and it uses a different group and you use both drivers together in a single schema, you will have type collisions with the Pagination and PageInfo types. The reason a collision occurs is because the GraphQL specification defines PageInfo as a Reserved Type.

The problem is each driver will have its own definition for these types and they arne’t identical (at runtime in PHP). To work around this you must use a shared type manager:


use ApiSkeletons\Doctrine\GraphQL\Type\TypeManager;

$driver1 = new Driver($entityManager, new Config(['group' => 'group1']));
$driver2 = new Driver($entityManager, new Config(['group' => 'group2']));

$driver2->set(TypeManager::class, $driver1->get(TypeManager::class));

This is documentation for API-Skeletons/doctrine-graphql. Please add your ★ star to the project.

Authored by API Skeletons.